Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday Funday Easter Edition (featuring Revit, The Joker and Iron Man)

I spent the majority of Saturday working on a school project in the ever frustrating Autodesk Revit, and today being Easter Sunday (last year I spent my time with Satan, this year I'm upgrading to my family) so today's blog is truncated.

Privatizing world peace since 1963.

In the funny department, I received my Hot Toys Iron Man 2 figure last week (above) and decided to be a little juvenile with it:

Downey's such a showoff.

Just in case you were wondering Hot Toys has designed hands that have articulated fingers. Anyway, I do not buy many collectibles anymore and was gonna dump this one, but I preordered it a year or so ago and do enjoy the Iron Man series, so hanging on to a badass Iron Man collectible figure won't kill me. Moving on.

Flan on FIlms: Watched The Next Three Days and State of Play. Not bad, but not great either. Russell Crowe is overrated.

Gabrielle Giffords Moment of Civility Award: This week's award goes to a poster at Johnny Dollar's Place who thinks he can call people *****, insult people's work and make jokes about what sex organs someone may or may not have then the next day pretend like all is forgiven. Oh yeah, he's about as good at debate as someone who is not good at debating.

Muhammad Hassan Wrestling Video of the Week: An Easter-themed video:

Last Word: Uh, Happy Easter. I gotta shower.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Funday (featuring Edge, Kurt Angle, Tom Brady, Keith Olbermann and the funniest moment in Red Sox History)

The following tribute is Rated R
Considering I am immersed in a school project right now, I haven't had much time to do anything that warrants discussion. What I did take time to do was see the farewell speech of wrestling legend Edge.

I'll be the first to admit that, back in the day, when Edge and Christian, along with the Hardy Boyz and Dudley Boyz, were tearing up the tag team division, I didn't think much of Edge. Great wrestler? Yes. Great on the mic? Other than insulting the home crowd's sports teams (which every wrestler should be able to do) the lame surfer attitudes weren't screaming "main-event wrestler."

Then the Brand Extension started. The wrestlers got split between two shows, which I've always hated, but it forced wrestlers like Edge to up their game. And it did. Edge became a solid singles wrestler. Unfortunately he couldn't stay healthy, the only real blemish on this wrestler's career.

When he returned from a groin injury he began his world title push. Oh yeah, he became a grade-A badass wrestler too. On top of already being a nasty heel, he started dating Matt Hardy's real-life girlfriend Lita, a feud that went beyond the fake world of wrestling. This all came to a head when the now-Rated R Superstar used his Money in the Bank contract on John Cena to win the WWE title for the first time.

This actually was one of the best promos ever.
Shame WWE doesn't have a sense of humor anymore.
The rest is history. Sex on TV (note: This was as un-family friendly as it got, so the actual video is hard to find). Flaming table. Rated-RKO. MITB again. Marrying Vickie. More injuries. Royal Rumble. Eleven-time world champion. Retirement.

In a world where WWE hands out Hall of Fame invitations to any wrestler who will take them, Edge actually is a true Hall of Famer. While not an icon the likes of Hogan and Undertaker, Edge has retired a wrestling legend. I said earlier when I was younger I didn't think much of Edge. I'm glad I was wrong.

Thank you Edge.

Cry me a river: My ex-girlfriend once asked me one of those age-old questions about having sex with a celebrity of the same-sex. Easy answer for me: Tom Brady.

But after this little tidbit I'm starting to see why everyone hates him. I wish the lowest point in my life was being picked in the six round of the NFL Draft. Hell, I would've taken being drafted in the sixth round of a gym class basketball game.

Newsflash Tom: Your career at Michigan was not worthy of a higher draft selection. The fact that San Francisco even acknowledged your existence was a miracle. I'm sure that documentary by ESPN, the Worldwide Leader in Bad Sports Journalism, covered that.

Shenanigans: Tomorrow is Patriot's Day, which means tomorrow is the Boston Marathon, which means it's the anniversary of the funniest moment in Red Sox history:

Yes, that's Kurt Angle. No, it's not a new TNA gimmick.
Flan on Films: I thought it couldn't get any worse than 2001: A Space Odyssey. I was wrong.

End Game starring Kurt Angle looks like it was filmed by my dog. "Well gee Flan, what did you expect?" Good point. Next time you hear "You suck!" chants when Angle comes to the ring you know why. Trailer is on the link, though the picture should tell you all you need to know.

Gabrielle Giffords Moment of Civility Award: This week's award goes to the scumbag of scumbags. Liberal logic: It's easier to get your point of view across if the people who disagree with you were never born. Red Eye takes it away:

Muhammad Hassan Wrestling Video of the Week: You already got Edge and Kurt Angle. See ya next week.

Last Word: You'll note the excessive use of the word "wrestler". That's because of this report. Seriously Vince, what do you call the thing those guys do in the ***BANNED WORD*** ring? Doing ridiculous stuff like this isn't going to help your wife win a Senate seat...A few years back Kobe Bryant was accused of raping a woman and no one batted an eyelash. Last week he called a ref a word that rhymes with "maggot" and now the entire Lakers organization has to be GLAAD's b**** for life. And people wonder why I don't get behind the gay agenda...I can run hard on a treadmill for about 10 minutes before my shins start to feel like they're going to explode. Any doctor's out there?...Some music to finish the day. Sing along:


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Funday (featuring The Sox-Yanks rivalry, Harry Reid, Daredevil and more)

Face it folks, the days of Pedro throwing useless turds to the ground are over. defines "rival" as this:

-A person who is competing for the same object or goal as another, or who tries to equal or outdo another; competitor.

-A person or thing that is in a position to dispute another's preeminence or superiority.

I suppose that, when looking at the first definition, the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees are rivals. Theoretically they both strive to win the World Series. But if you look at the second definition, well, there's no disputing the superiority the Yankees have over Boston. Is this a rivalry? I suppose it is. However, since the events in the 2003 American League Championship Series and 2004 regular and post seasons, the Sox-Yankees rivalry has been completely watered down to a point where one has to question if it's still the greatest rivalry in all of sports.

One way to look at it...
It's not a rivalry if the other team beats the crap out of you on a regular basis: I like to tease people by saying this, mainly based on the fact that, for the past 92 years, New York has gotten the better of Boston in about 85 of them, and that might be generous. And when I say that, I mean, "beats the crap out of you when it matters most." What I'm saying is 2004, the last time the Sox won the regular season battle with the Yankees and the only time they've beaten them in the ALCS, was an aberration. The past three seasons, to my surprise, have netted a 27-27 record, but you'll recall in 2009 Boston won the first eight meetings and New York won nine of the last ten.

Eighteen games. You heard me: One of the nice things about football is you have rivals you see on a very limited basis, making it more meaningful and more exciting. Even in basketball you don't see a lot of your rivals. Not in baseball. Boston and New York, like many other division rivals, play each other 18 times. Eighteen. It's just ridiculous, which leads into the next point...

ESPN, Fox Sports and NESN are a joke: Dallas Cowboys running back once said of the Super Bowl, “If it’s the ultimate game, why are they playing it again next year?” These insults to journalism hype up all of those 18 games as "the ultimate game." I'd throw NESN a bone but every time a new player comes to town they have to make a commercial with said player saying "It's so great to be part of this tradition," or have Heidi "Homewrecker" Watney do a stupid interview asking what it means to be part of "such a rivalry."

What about the other jokers? Well if you've ever watched ESPN it's pretty clear they don't give two hoots about the other 28 MLB teams. Fox isn't much better. They too love to prop this up as the greatest rivalry in the history of the universe.

And memo to these two outlets: Kevin Youkilis being pissed off doesn't mean the rivalry is back on, it's just means it's one of the seven days of the week.

Stay classy Sox Nation.
The fans care more than the players: Simply put, it's obvious the actual players don't think of this as some ultimate rivalry. Moving on to the fans, there was an episode of Brotherhood where a Yankees fan walked into a Providence bar, called Ted WIlliams a "fag" and got a bullet in the head for his troubles. While things haven't been that bad, the World Series Boston won in '04 has given most Red Sox fans delusions of grandeur. More specifically it's turned them into world class d-bags, the same d-bags they used to rail on. So now you have two fanbases full of d-bags and two teams of players who couldn't care less about this so-called rivalry.

Flan on Films: Didn't watch any new movies this week, but did have time to throw Top Gun in the old PS3. Always classic. Also watched the Daredevil Director's Cut, much better than the theatrical version. One thing that is very underrated about this film is the soundtrack. See end of post for more.

Gabrielle Giffords' Moment of Civility Award: This one once again goes out to all the Democrats and liberals who used fear-mongering and violent rhetoric that they allegedly were against when their colleague Rep. Giffords was shot by one of their own. I'll let Mark Levin handle it from here:

Muhammad Hassan Wrestling Video of the Week: It's been a week since the debacle that was Wrestlemania XXVII and The Flan's Blog still needs a break from wrestling. It will return soon.

Last Word: So I have to go to Pawtucket frequently for a school project. I gotta tell you, the more I see of the city, the more ugly it gets... On that note anyone who knows where I can find soil and geological maps that'd be swell... If you have attention issues while working I recommend the House and Law & Order marathons on USA... My friends went to see the cherry blossoms in D.C. and reminded me of one of my least favorite comic book characters... A little music from the aforementioned Daredevil soundtrack:


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Why I Hate The Boston Red Sox (featuring Top Gun)

President Reagan once said, "I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The party left me." I once thought the Boston Red Sox, the real Boston Red Sox, left me. Now I'm not so sure who left who.

What I do know is I, your far-from-humble blogger, is once again right. And you all know how much I love to be right. More on that later.

I like my hat much better now.
Growing up the Sox were lovable losers and judging by the interest in fans there was an emphasis on "losers". You could always get a ticket at Fenway Park (my Hemophilia Clinic handed them out like candy) and other than a few convos with kids at school about how great Pedro Martinez was you couldn't get anyone to care about what happened in what is now called "Red Sox Nation".

Today? People who can't tell me who Ted WIlliams and Nomar Garciaparra were are pooping themselves because the 2011 Boston Red Sox have started the season 0-6.

My dismay began in 2003, when Boston defeated Oakland in the American League Division Series. I was at the University of Rhode Island at the time and the student body celebrated peacefully in the streets.

The next game was Game 1 of the American League Championship Series against "arch-rival" New York Yankees. Boston won that game, and what was celebration in the streets one night was a full blown riot the next. I guess that's what you get for accepting half of New Jersey to your institute of higher learning.

Joking about Jersey aside, my first thought was, "Do these jerks even root for the Red Sox? Or are they just looking for an excuse to violence?" The riot itself is a bit irrelevant, but it did create a few new fans who didn't give a hoot about Boston until the dumpster outside of Gorham Hall was lit on fire.

Then 2004 came and went. It was a great time for fans like my father who saw just about every epic fail the Boston Red Sox accumulated. But like every team that wins a championship, bandwagon mentality kicks in.

The following two seasons did not bring World Series trophies to Boston, but it did spawn the pink hat revolution and raked in numerous dollars when it suckered people into buying "Red Sox Nation" membership cards.

The 2007 season brought another World Series trophy back to Boston. While it was nice to see the Sox pound the overrated Colorado Rockies, nothing would ever compare to that 2004 trophy. This was also when "Red Sox Nation" turned into "Douchebag Nation".

The last three seasons can be summed up like this: Heartless bums with no chemistry more concerned with getting paid, a front office making one bad decision after the next, jerk fans who don't even understand the game, and an owner who turned a baseball club into a fad.

Allow me to elaborate on some of this stuff:

-The fans: I realize it's like this for a lot of teams, but it's obvious that the bandwagon is much larger here than in other regions. A lot of these so-called "fans", including some of my friends, wanted nothing to do with this team pre-2004. Now it's regular weekend trips to Fenway and paying $500 for bad seats to see the next drubbing the Yanks lay on the Sox. They have no clue what's going on, but they love them some Sox.

-Women: Granted, I can't get most women to do anything with me, even if I offered to pay them. Ten years ago that was double for watching Sox games. Now you go somewhere like an online dating site and it's all "I heart my Red Sox. No Yankee fans allowed!" Give me a break. Maybe Jane Pink Hat does love the Red Sox. This chick loves the Sox too. Intelligence turns me on. Lack of intelligence about something you claim to love doesn't.

"What man? I had to pee man!"
-Man-Ram: When Manny Ramirez shoved Jack McCormick it was wrong. But the people calling for Manny's head were the same people who had no clue what this man meant to the franchise. Despite his bizarre behavior, until that incident in 2008 none of it was mean-spirited. Was it time for Manny to go? Yes, but like everything else if you don't know all the facts you should keep your mouth shut.

-Jonathan Papelbon: Newsflash if you have no idea how to play baseball: The closer is supposed to go out and get three consecutive outs, not two outs, a hit, a hit, a walk, a hit, and a third out, pushing the game to a point where you either almost blow it or lose the game. Oh, and he's a jackass.

-Apologists: Thank God for 98.5 The Sports Hub. Because if it wasn't for them Rhode Island would be called "Red Sox Apologist Nation". Last year some clowns at WEEI predicted 100 wins for the Sox. They got to 89. This year the Providence Journal predicted 100 wins. There's a long way to go but right now that prediction looks pretty foolish, especially considering they have the same awful pitching staff as last year. Then of course there's the continued butt-kissing of manager Terry Francona, who, like GM Theo Epstein, isn't terrible, but more lucky than good. And how could I forget NESN's Tom Caron, who loves the Sox so much he has permanent stains on his knees.

-Advertisements: Yes, I understand this stuff pays for Carl Crawford's salary, but the amount of ads the Sox try to stick in are ridiculous. The ballpark looks like something out of Major League 2 and considering NESN is pimping Charlie Sheen's tour they've clearly shown they'll take money from the lowest of the low. It makes it obvious that ownership cares more about making money than appreciating the fans and, more importantly, winning.

Nice remodeling job.
-Ownership: Say what you will about George Steinbrenner, but the only thing that grumpy grump wanted out of his club was World Series trophies. John Henry? It's hard to say. He sold out the Green Monster, got Wally to do birthdays, and did such a great job marketing "Red Sox Nation" he got a bunch of morons to actually buy a membership kit to become "official" fans. I'm not saying the Yankees don't try the same things, but Steinbrenner made it clear it was World Series or bust. Henry? Well, did he sign Daisuke Matsuzaka because he thought it would help the ball club, or because it would reap huge profits in Japan?

-They've become everything true Sox fans hate about the Yankees: The most important thing I will write in this post is here: The best thing about the Red Sox is they weren't the Yankees. And when I say they weren't the Yankees I mean they didn't buy all the talent and weren't supported by bandwagon scumbags. We laughed at the Yankees when their $100 million payroll went down in flames and their pompous fans had to eat their words. Now all I see is Yankees North: Overpaid jerkoffs with a holier than thou fanbase. Hey Henry, who's the "Evil Empire" now?

Even the boys in marketing can't
tell the difference.
My complaints about the fans may be petty, but the truth is they're just as bad as most Yankee fans. Henry has geared this entire operation towards idiots, turning the Red Sox into a profitable trend (it's actually pretty smart). I don't have a problem with the man making money, just don't be surprised when/if the other shoe drops. And the comments about the Sox becoming the Yankees are undeniably true. Real Red Sox fans see the irony, the others are either hypocrites or aren't smart enough to understand what I'm referring to. Winning that title in 2004 was a great moment for sports but it's unfortunate we had to become what we hated to do it.

Did I leave the Red Sox or did they leave me? I don't know. I do know I laughed my butt off when Darnell McDonald blew the game today. Maybe this year will purge some of the bad elements out, as this guy predicted a while back.

Oh yeah, I'm right because I knew these guys would suck this year. So far so good. I should be a sports reporter...

Anyway, for those of you who don't like the Red Sox I have this epic scene from Top Gun:


Monday, April 4, 2011

Worst. Wrestlemania. Ever.

My moratorium on writing about wrestling has been lifted to the extent it takes me to write this blog.

And here's why: I have seen 15 of 27 Wrestlemanias. But I guarantee if I watched the other 12, none of them would be as bad as, if I may steal a line, the biggest pile of monkey crap to ever walk God's Green Earth that was Wrestlemania 27.

Let's run it down:

-Anyone see that United States title match? No? THAT'S BECAUSE IT WAS BUMPED. Terrible. They had a four hour show and got eight matches in. Two of them were so short you have to wonder why the wrestlers even bothered showing up. Furthermore, I don't know what the backstage beef is with Sheamus but kicking him off Wrestlemania was wrong and it certainly shouldn't have been taken out on Daniel Bryan.

-Rock starts the show and takes waaaaay too long.

-It was ballsy to start the night with a World Title match, but it was just the first mistake of the night, second if you count the Sheamus-Bryan debacle. The match was a little short but it was still pretty good. Edge won then keyed Alberto Del Rio's car and smashed the windows.

-Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio wasn't bad and I was genuinely surprised that Rhodes won. Good work for a middle-of-the-card match.

-There's nothing good to say about the Teddy Long-Snoop Dogg segment. Waste of five minutes.

-Big Show, Kane, Santino and Kofi vs. The Corre didn't even get past two minutes. Embarrassing.

-Rock has a funny segment with Eve and Mae Young, who asked to see the People's Strudel, then has a confrontation with Stone Cold Steve Austin. 'Nuff said.

-Nothing really stood out in the CM Punk-Randy Orton match. It was an okay match.

-Rock, Gene Okerlund, and Pee Wee Herman have a backstage segment. Another waste of five minutes.

-2011 Hall of Fame class is recognized. No problem there.

-Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole was a little long but went the way it should have, with Cole getting beat like a red-headed stepchild... right until the anonymous "GM" reversed the decision. The crowd is pissed and gets a big time "bulls***" chant going on. I'm pissed because this basically ruined the night for me.

-Different feelings on the Triple H-Undertaker match, which 'Taker won. I personally thought the pace was very slow and the finish was awful. It's pretty clear these two guys don't have much left in them.

-Snooki, Trish and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool was terrible. A four minute match and Morrison and Ziggler did absolutely nothing. Snooki did display some exceptional athleticism though.

-The main event. The Miz comes out to a great entrance. Cena comes out to a decent entrance. Match is barely good enough for a Raw main event. Match ends in a double countout, the Rock comes out, disses the anonymous GM, restarts the match, costs Cena the win, then beats the crap out of Miz. Whoever wrote the ending to that match should be fired.

There's almost nothing good to say about this show. In fact I think it got worse as the night progressed. Poor decision making, poor use of time, poor matches, poor Wrestlemania. Austin and Rock should be embarrassed for participating in such a disaster.

Congratulations Rock, you'll go down in history as the host of the worst Wrestlemania of all time. If you smell s*** it's because that's what you cooked tonight you jabroni.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wrestlemania Week Day Eight: Do Try This at Home. Because it's F****** Hilarious.

There's a reason Youtube has become an Internet sensation. This is it.
I've said all I can about Wrestlemania and WWE, so I think it's time for The Flan's Blog to take a little break from the world of professional wrestling.

But before I do that, I'd like to take this opportunity to provide a public service announcement regarding the dangers of wrestling fans imitating their favorite superstars.

Yeah right. I have scars on my left knee and the middle of my forehead from reenacting what I saw in then-WWF. It happens. I don't regret it. You want me to discourage it? Hell no. Look at this kid:

Brilliant stuff. Future Hall of Famer all the way. That, and Elmo sucks. So do his friends seen here.

And what about these assclowns? Backyard wrestling clips on Youtube are hilarious. Seriously, click on that link and tell me it's not funny. This one, where we have a couple of jackasses mistaking a florescent light bulb for a kendo stick. is my favorite:

So to all you morons who want to do their best Jeff Hardy impression: Feel free. I hope it turns out like this:


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Wrestlemania Week Day Seven: Last of the Legends and Predictions

These two Icons will end an era Sunday.
Since both The Undertaker and Triple H returned on February 11, there's been a lot of talk about these two being "The Last Outlaws."

That's a little inaccurate. In fact, anything less than "The Last Icons" is inaccurate.

In my opinion there are only seven wrestlers from WWE that deserve to be called Icons. Hogan. Undertaker. Bret. HBK. Austin. Rock. Triple H. Four of these men are scheduled to participate in Wrestlemania tomorrow with a fifth being inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame and also rumored to be involved in Sunday's event.

Yes, it's been feeling a lot like the year 2000 at WWE. Foul language. Reunions. Returns, even from people you never wanted to see again. And for an old school fan it's great. But living in the past isn't the way to go. Sunday, April 3, is the end of an era.

One guy that, one day, might turn seven icons into eight is John Cena. Right now he's the man, the main event. One person who is not an icon is The Miz. Regardless, he is the reigning WWE champion. All due respect to Triple H and Undertaker, these two guys should main event tomorrow's show. Triple H and 'Taker have done more than their fair share to make WWE a profitable enterprise and an exciting show to watch. And given reports that Triple H wants to retire soon and rumors that Undertaker's health is not what it used to be, they shouldn't have to. It's time for Vince to put his faith in the future.

Who is the future? Cena. Miz. Randy Orton. CM Punk. Albert Del Rio. Sheamus. These are the guys who are gonna make or break WWE for the foreseeable future. And if the creative team ever figures out how to handle the mid-card wrestlers WWE will have a bright future.

Oh yeah, get rid of the damn brand extension and unify the two world championships.

Anyway, here are my predictions for Wrestlemania XXVII:

In the words of a wrestling legend, "It's true, it's true."
United States Championship-Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus (champion): Given the fact that Sheamus is allegedly disliked by some people with creative control I don't see him pulling this one out. Bryan becomes a two-time U.S. Champion.

Arrive. Raise Hell. Leave.
Jerry "The King" Lawler vs. Michael Cole w/ Jack Swagger (Special Guest Referee Stone Cold Steve Austin): Fans have been dying for someone to abuse Cole, some of them waiting long before Cole's ridiculous behavior began 10-12 months ago. This is the moment. Perhaps JBL and/or Jim Ross will show up to make things interesting, but I doubt it. Swagger gets a stunner, Cole gets a stunner, Lawler might get a stunner, but will win this one.

Cody's come a long way.
Rey Mysterio vs. "Dashing" Cody Rhodes: This is tough to call. When it comes to mid-card talent like Rhodes you never know who WWE wants to push or put back in the closet. On the other hand, the kids love Rey, but part of the job of veterans like Mysterio is to put over young guys like Rhodes. I hope I'm wrong, but when I say Mysterio takes the win I don't think I will be.

Say what you will about these two, they make good action figures.
Big Show, Kane, Santino and Koslov vs. The Corre: WWE has thrown a wrench into this storyline, possibly opening the door for Kofi Kingston to take Koslov's place in this match. Doesn't matter. The five guys The Corre is feuding with either are or have been in the past glorified jobbers. The only real question is if the bookers will give give these gentlemen more than four minutes to wrestle. In any scenario, The Corre wins in what is basically a built-in bathroom break.

John Morrison, Trish Stratus, and Snooki vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool w/ Vickie Guerrero: Without looking, I can't think of a single celebrity not named Pete Rose that got involved in a Wrestlemania match and came out on the losing side. Kelly Kelly most likely gets involved to help Morrison, Trish, and Snooki claim a win.

Mrs. S is right. Dude looks like a serial killer.
Randy Orton vs. CM Punk: Another one that is tough to call. I want Punk to win but this story seems to have reached its peak. Orton punts his way to victory.

Legacy? Or destiny?
World Heavyweight Championship-Alberto Del Rio w/ Brodus Clay vs. Edge (champion) w/ Christian: Del Rio won the first 40-man Royal Rumble, capping off a heck of a start to his WWE career. One guy on his way out is Edge, and I anticipate The Rated-R Superstar will be the World Heavyweight Champion for the majority of his waning days in WWE. Edge wins. One guy who's name hasn't popped up much is Drew McIntyre. If he was gonna show up it would be here.

What else can be said about these guys.
The Undertaker vs. Triple H (No Holds Barred): Each of the Icons I mentioned has created their own unique stamp on WWE. Part of The Undertaker's stamp is his undefeated "streak" at Wrestlemania. Hopefully Triple H, who is part of the creative team, understands this and takes the fall. I have no doubt Shawn Michaels will get involved, and unlike some people, Undertaker goes 19-0.

Just Bring It.
WWE Championship-John Cena vs. The Miz (champion) w/ Alex Riley:

  • Scenario 1: Miz retains the title after The Rock costs Cena the chance to win, igniting a feud that will blow up Twitter.
  • Scenario 2: John Cena defeats The Miz, The Rock comes out and he and Cena take care of Miz and Riley, Rock and Cena have a confrontation.

I doubt The Rock is planning to return to wrestling full-time, Cena's character has had a rough 10 months, and Miz's title run has gome as far as it's going to go, so I think Scenario 2 is the best bet. Cena wins his tenth World Championship, then gets the taste slapped out of his mouth by The Rock, who is now and forever will be The People's Champion.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Wrestlemania Week Day Six: John Cena Is Better Than The Rock

Yeah, you heard what I said: John Cena is better than The Rock.

Here's why:

--Jim "The Rock" Kelly: The Rock main-evented Wrestlemania three years in a row and lost three years in a row. That makes "The Great One" the Buffalo Bills of Wrestlemania. Rock is 4-4 overall at the event while Cena stands at 6-1 and counting.

--I did it for The Rock: Is it a coincidence that the height of The Rock's popularity came when Steve Austin was out with a legitimate neck injury? And when Stone Cold came back Rock went right back to second string face? Cena on the other hand, despite Batista and Randy Orton nipping at his heels, has proven in this era he is the franchise.

If you smell what Cenation is cookin'.
--"The Scorpion King" sucked: One drawback to living in a dorm freshman year was a limited amount of channels, one of them playing "The Scorpion King" over and over again. Hopefully students at URI have been treated to "12 Rounds".

--Rapping is cool: While he doesn't really do it anymore, Cena's rapping skills made him one of the best with a mic early in his career. Rock may have millions (and millions) of fans but he only has his recycled catchphrases.

--The real People's Champion: Who appointed The Rock "The People's Champion?" Anyone who refers to himself in the third person doesn't give a hoot about the people. John Cena on the other hand, has a great bond with the WWE Universe, which can be seen in the children's faces all over the arena.

--The better champion: Both The Rock and John Cena are seven time WWF/E champions. Cena's first three reigns (280 days, 133, 380) all lasted longer than The Rock's longest title run (119). Apparently the writers felt "the most electrifying man is sports entertainment" wasn't long term championship material.

There you have it. John Cena is better than The Rock. If you disagree with me you're welcome to debate the argument. But before you do, keep this in mind.
