Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Funday (featuring Edge, Kurt Angle, Tom Brady, Keith Olbermann and the funniest moment in Red Sox History)

The following tribute is Rated R
Considering I am immersed in a school project right now, I haven't had much time to do anything that warrants discussion. What I did take time to do was see the farewell speech of wrestling legend Edge.

I'll be the first to admit that, back in the day, when Edge and Christian, along with the Hardy Boyz and Dudley Boyz, were tearing up the tag team division, I didn't think much of Edge. Great wrestler? Yes. Great on the mic? Other than insulting the home crowd's sports teams (which every wrestler should be able to do) the lame surfer attitudes weren't screaming "main-event wrestler."

Then the Brand Extension started. The wrestlers got split between two shows, which I've always hated, but it forced wrestlers like Edge to up their game. And it did. Edge became a solid singles wrestler. Unfortunately he couldn't stay healthy, the only real blemish on this wrestler's career.

When he returned from a groin injury he began his world title push. Oh yeah, he became a grade-A badass wrestler too. On top of already being a nasty heel, he started dating Matt Hardy's real-life girlfriend Lita, a feud that went beyond the fake world of wrestling. This all came to a head when the now-Rated R Superstar used his Money in the Bank contract on John Cena to win the WWE title for the first time.

This actually was one of the best promos ever.
Shame WWE doesn't have a sense of humor anymore.
The rest is history. Sex on TV (note: This was as un-family friendly as it got, so the actual video is hard to find). Flaming table. Rated-RKO. MITB again. Marrying Vickie. More injuries. Royal Rumble. Eleven-time world champion. Retirement.

In a world where WWE hands out Hall of Fame invitations to any wrestler who will take them, Edge actually is a true Hall of Famer. While not an icon the likes of Hogan and Undertaker, Edge has retired a wrestling legend. I said earlier when I was younger I didn't think much of Edge. I'm glad I was wrong.

Thank you Edge.

Cry me a river: My ex-girlfriend once asked me one of those age-old questions about having sex with a celebrity of the same-sex. Easy answer for me: Tom Brady.

But after this little tidbit I'm starting to see why everyone hates him. I wish the lowest point in my life was being picked in the six round of the NFL Draft. Hell, I would've taken being drafted in the sixth round of a gym class basketball game.

Newsflash Tom: Your career at Michigan was not worthy of a higher draft selection. The fact that San Francisco even acknowledged your existence was a miracle. I'm sure that documentary by ESPN, the Worldwide Leader in Bad Sports Journalism, covered that.

Shenanigans: Tomorrow is Patriot's Day, which means tomorrow is the Boston Marathon, which means it's the anniversary of the funniest moment in Red Sox history:

Yes, that's Kurt Angle. No, it's not a new TNA gimmick.
Flan on Films: I thought it couldn't get any worse than 2001: A Space Odyssey. I was wrong.

End Game starring Kurt Angle looks like it was filmed by my dog. "Well gee Flan, what did you expect?" Good point. Next time you hear "You suck!" chants when Angle comes to the ring you know why. Trailer is on the link, though the picture should tell you all you need to know.

Gabrielle Giffords Moment of Civility Award: This week's award goes to the scumbag of scumbags. Liberal logic: It's easier to get your point of view across if the people who disagree with you were never born. Red Eye takes it away:

Muhammad Hassan Wrestling Video of the Week: You already got Edge and Kurt Angle. See ya next week.

Last Word: You'll note the excessive use of the word "wrestler". That's because of this report. Seriously Vince, what do you call the thing those guys do in the ***BANNED WORD*** ring? Doing ridiculous stuff like this isn't going to help your wife win a Senate seat...A few years back Kobe Bryant was accused of raping a woman and no one batted an eyelash. Last week he called a ref a word that rhymes with "maggot" and now the entire Lakers organization has to be GLAAD's b**** for life. And people wonder why I don't get behind the gay agenda...I can run hard on a treadmill for about 10 minutes before my shins start to feel like they're going to explode. Any doctor's out there?...Some music to finish the day. Sing along:


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