Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wrestlemania Week Day Four: Michael Cole Sucks


Let's not waste too much time here: Michael Cole is dreadful. There's a difference between being booed because you're a bad guy and being booed because you're awful.

Cole is the latter. He's annoying, his promos are dreadful, his voice is like nails on a chalkboard and the most important thing is he's detracting from the viewing experience. Bobby Heenan and Jerry "The King" Lawler were great heel announcers, but they weren't obnoxious about it. Cole's role in WWE has become ridiculous and quite frankly I can't see him returning to the announcer's table full time after Wrestlemania.

And in case being a terrible bad guy wasn't enough, watch this video, then let your fingers do the walking. Youtube's filled with "vintage" Michael Cole videos.

On a related note, for the people who are upset over Cole's use of the word "faggot", get over yourself. Yeah it was a stupid thing to say but considering he's not the first personality to insult the gay community it's pretty hypocritical to be calling for his head. And this idiotic comment from the Pro Gay Wrestling Federation doesn't help change people's perceptions of gays:
"How can ANYONE at the WWE say anything derogatory about gay people?? Look at what they do and have been doing for a living for years! Big muscles, small tights rolling around! I'm just saying, honey. People in glass houses shouldn't throw sconces!"
Moron. I wonder where the Gay Avenger was when Jerry Lawler ripped this ridiculously over-the-top promo years ago:

Anyway, I read a rumor that the "Cole Mine" was constructed to keep Cole and King apart indefinitely, so any hopes of Cole's departure from play-by-play announcing have more than likely been dashed.


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